Once You Realize The Amount Of Time And Money You Will Save Then Check Out The Comparison Chart Below And Give Us A Call! We Will Walk You Through Which Canine Progesterone System Is The Very Best Fit For YOU!
Use The Quick Comparison Charts Below To Get A Fast Visual View Of The Options That Fit Your Needs Perfectly. Your Trade In May Also We Worth Way More Then You Think! Fill Out The Short Trade Up Form And Find Out!
Lets take a moment and go over the layout and how to read the comparison chart above! This chart is designed to help you understand which system out of the many we offer, would fit your budget and testing needs the best! This is only the start. We offer you personalized help via chat, email, phone, on site training portal, and social media connections. CanineP4 is dedicated to providing not just recommendations but ongoing support, easy and fast same day shipping on most products, and our in house warranty support on everything we sell. We are always here to help.
1- Whole blood testing means that the system listed will can run a whole blood progesterone test. With these kits you do not need to spin the blood you draw down to a serum. This make the process faster and easier. These test kits have been very popular with our finecare customers and will be available on our system soon. These kits do not come with a timing chart.
2- Two Year Warranty indicates system that carry a 2 year warranty from the manufacturer. Some of our units will have a second year warranty that can be purchased or that CanineP4 provides for you FREE as a thank you for your business.
3- Cost per test $10 or less. In this column you will find the systems that run Progesterone testing (and other tests listed on the product page) at $10 or less per test. These would be the most economical systems when it come to the cost of each test you run. Keep in mind the more accuracy that a system has (show in the accuracy/precision column) the more the cost per test will rise since most of the accuracy of a given system is found in the quality of the test kits.
4- Purchase Price $3000 or less. The systems with a green check mark here are the units that have a retail pricing of $3000 or less. This pricing would be the normal retail pricing and will not take into consideration product sales, volume discounts, or other special pricing.
5- Test Kit Stored At Room TEMP. The systems with a green check mark here use test units that do not require refrigeration. These tests can be keep in a safe dry place out of direct sun light and at normal room temp.
6- Kit Expiration 1 Year +. The system with a green check mark here will, in most all cases, ship to you with at least one year remaining on the kits expiration. Most of the time it will be a good deal longer then that. These test kits are the kits that do not require refrigeration and are stored at normal room temperature.
7- Ovulation & Fertility Timing. All of the systems we offer do a very nice job in the fertility and ovulation range of testing. Each system will come with a timing chart so you know exactly what range to look for on your specific system. CanineP4 is the only company that offers you the support you need when you need it. We offer email, chat, website training videos, and personal phone support with people that can help.
8- High Accuracy/Precision. Accuracy and Precision on each system we offer is determined by the manufacturer accuracy data and CanineP4 own in house correlation testing to confirm and update the data. The system that have a green check mark (small or large) are the system that have been testing in this manner and are given the highest ranking. Keep in mind Accuracy does not mean that the results of a system will match your Vet or your friends system (if it is different then yours)! Every testing system on the market has different reporting ranges, so to compare your results with your vet or other breeders you would need to be running the system. That is way CanineP4 is the only company that provides you with a specific timing chart for each system we sell based on the correlation data we have on that system. This is the only way to do it. CanineP4 provides systems that are based on real accuracy and precision testing. Many others are just guessing at best or exaggerating at the worst.
9- Battery Operated Portable. The systems with the green check mark have internal battery system that allow the system to run for several hours without be plug into wall power. These system are very useful when you need to test in a remote location. The Healvet 300p is handheld the Pro Dx has a handle and is not really handheld.
Guided Video On All The Best Progesterone Testing Machines That Fit Your Personal Needs And Requirements! A Guide To K9 Reproduction. is always looking for new ways to help our customers find the best progesterone testing machine for their personal requirements and needs! This page is designed for you to have several ways to evaluate your best options when it comes to your professional testing.
The Canine Progesterone Analyzer Comparison sheets on this page are for you to get a quick idea of the features and tests that each of our offering provides for you.
The Video just below is a very good way to have a guided tour from our CEO Joe to get a better fell for what each system offers to you.
We also offer you our exclusive savings calculator! Just set the sliders to the correct answers for the questions asked and the calculator will give you very valuable financial information on how much you can save and time and money when you start doing your own in house testing. No more long drives to the vet, or having to wait till Monday to get a test done when you really need it now. AND Saving a ton of money with testing as low as $7 - $15 per test instead of $50-$140 from your vet.
As always our professionals are always here for you to help you walk through the process of investing in the perfect progesterone machine! Via Chat, Email at, or on the Phone at 844-673-7378!
If you have a trade in take just a moment to fill out our short form and we will have a specialist get back to you fast! Great trade ups available!
Have A Progesterone System Now You Would Like To Upgrade? We Take Your Trade In System For Upgrades To The Latest State Of The Art System! It May Be Worth More Then You Think! Find Out How Much! Its Easy Just Fill Out The Short Form And We Will Give You A Call! We Will Get You Into The Perfect System For You!
844-673-7378 Call For Appointment.
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All of the CanineP4 Team members are dedicated to getting the best product fits for every customer we serve! Along with ongoing support via Chat, Email, or Phone! All with the best pricing available! Call us at 844-673-7378 we will be waiting to serve you!
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