Collection: Dog Artificial Insemination Products
Dog Artificial insemination what is it an how will it help?
Dog breeders enjoy a rewarding passion but juggle plenty of risks and expenses. While some breeders prefer natural mating methods, artificial insemination for dogs offers several significant advantages:
Artificial insemination methods for dogs can promote genetic diversity, as chilled and fresh semen can be distributed more widely and cost-effectively than it would be to introduce a single stud dog to several females.
- Artificial insemination can lessen the risk of infections related to multiple breeding attempts.
- It eliminates the risk of aggressive encounters between dogs and solves the problem of unreceptive females.
- It can ensure that only the finest dog semen is collected and utilized.
- It can be performed with precision during the estrus cycle to maximize litter size and health.
- For some female dogs, it may be less stressful than exposing them to male dogs.
It enables remote mating - It enables semen to be frozen, preserving the gene pool of a desirable sire for longer than could be done naturally.
- AI probe kits and linings - Sperm collection kits- Culture media for thawing - One-step extenders for frozen semen - And more
Improve Success Rates with Accurate Semen Analysis One of the great things about artificial insemination is that you can minimize many of the risks of natural breeding whether you use fresh or chilled semen. Be certain of the quality of the semen you’re using by performing canine sperm analysis beforehand!
iSperm Analyzer enables you to analyze semen samples for concentration, abnormality, and motility, offering you granular, metrical insights into many motility parameters. Don’t just rely on artificial insemination to boost your conception rates and safeguard animal health. Use the most potent, motile semen available, and be sure of it!
Also to help you time your breedings check out the NEW Healvet 300P Portable Battery Operated Progesterone testing System. Best for Accuracy/Precision/Ease of use in its price range! Call 844-673-7378 or Contact Form