CaniPlus AI, Culture Medium for Thawing Semen and for Artificial Insemination. Increase sperm quality prior to insemination!
Using shipped semen for breeding is super common, however, sometimes the semen is of poor quality or motility. Use CaniPlus AI, to increase sperm motility before performing artificial insemination.
- Contains motility enhancing ingredients
- Ideal for all AI, especially when using poor quality or low volume semen
- Animal protein-free
- Contains antibiotic.
- 20mL liquid contents
The next generation of canine extenders from Minitube is 100% animal protein-free. An additive protects the sperm cells during chilled storage. It also protects the sperm cells from damage caused by temperature variations during shipping, prevents oxidative stress, and neutralizes degrading metabolites' negative effects. Both, CaniPlus Chill ST (short term) and CaniPlus Chill LT (long term) are benefactors of this technology.
All canine extenders have a shelf life of 24 months from the date of production when stored at +4°C (standard refrigeration).
Extenders maintain 70% of initial motility during the given period for storage/transport.
This item is non-returnable.
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