Healvet 300P Training Center
Check out all the great features
The test kits have a 2-year expiration date!
The Healvet is also working on additional tests like LH and many more!
The test kits DO NOT require refrigeration!
Test kits are always available since we are the exclusive direct manufacturers/distributor.
The Healvet 300P has a built-in temperature control test incubator.
The Healvet 300P has been put through months of hardware and test kit accuracy testing!
Fast and Simple Online software upgrades when needed!
Export your data when you need it.
Dependable onboard thermal printer!
We know the Healvet 300P is dependable and the test kits undergo ongoing testing of each lot.
We get calls all the time from folks that bought another unit like the I chroma or vet chroma and now they can not get test kits to run it. Either the seller ran out, they had a bad lot, or the company cut them off because they are not distributors. This will never happen with the Healvet 300P since CanineP4 is the exclusive distributor in the US and Canada.
But by far the customer support we provide makes us a one of a kind service business for you. Here is what we offer. Sales of test kits through your distributor, Technical training videos, Troubleshooting videos, Super Easy support request form, along with our Customer Support Phone number 844-673-7378. Email support, Facebook facetime to help troubleshoot should you need it. And so much more. In short, we are HERE for you you need us. All the engineers at MRDS are trained and full-time professionals with years of experience.
Once you get the test strip inserted into the 300P the incubation time is 15 min to results.
No! The light source is internal and never needs replacing. LED technology is inherently very reliable due in part to the very low level of power need to illuminate it. Also if you have any kind of question or problem we offer you total technical support WHEN YOU NEED IT!
We get this question all the time! The quick answer is YES. What we find when talking to folks that call us with this question is that the real question they are asking is - "Will the 300P Healvet give me results that will accurately tell me when the best time to breed or inseminate?" That, in fact, is the real question. The answer to that question is also an emphatic YES. SEE the next question for more details.
YES and NO. Let me explain! What most folks do not know is that all progesterone testing systems in vet labs, Immulite 1000, Mini Vidas, and many other systems will run the same Progesterone sample and come up with very different results. THIS IS EXPECTED! Is this a problem? NO, and here is why.
Some systems are florescent and some are chemiluminescence and others use a photometer. The method of measurement (and the reagents) are very different hence we get different numbers on the same sample running on the two types of analyzers.
The 300P Healvet has been correlated to the Immulite 1000 which is the reference method for the highest national know outside labs.
The calibration of the 300P Healvet is easy and takes only a second using the test kit lot ID calibration chip that comes with your unit. The 300P Healvet will print off the results for you after each test is run.
Example: if you go to your vet and they are running the veterinarian's preferred system then you have your test run on a Mini Vidas you will see very different results that may cause you to get your timing solution wrong if you don't adjust for the method differences. This is very easily done with no pain or effort. We have you covered with the built-in interpretation ranges that will print for you after every test.
MRDS is a service company that supports everything aspect of the 300P Healvet with direct customer service from our engineers.
It's really simple! If you have a problem (not very likely considering the reliability our testing proves) we have the expertise to troubleshoot you in just a few minutes and either solve your problem or replace your system. So easy So fast! No other company can do that!
Your 2-year warranty is a replacement warranty. So after one of our engineers consults with you over the phone or online and determines that your system is not functional we simply ship you a replacement unit and you ship yours back to us. So simple!
The Calibration process for your 300P Healvet is very simple! With each test kit lot, you will get a calibration ID chip in the box. This calibration ID chip will match the lot number of test kits you are using and all you need do is insert the ID chip for the lot of test kits you are using and the calibration is automatically loaded into your Healvet 300P. Each lot of test kit will have the chip in the box it's easy, fast, and accurate.
Healvet 300P System, Test Kits, And More!
844-673-7378 Call For Appointment.
All of the CanineP4 Team members are dedicated to getting the best product fits for every customer we serve! Along with ongoing support via Chat, Email, or Phone! All with the best pricing available! Call us at 844-673-7378 we will be waiting to serve you!
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